We appreciate everyone who helped make Gifts of Hope happen this year! Over 400 youth were adopted, whose gifts were fulfilled in full over the last couple of weeks by our generous Tulsa community.
Shout out to QuikTrip for adopting 100 youth, and Darby Equipment Company, who adopt 25 youth every year!
We would also like to thank our diligent volunteers, who help our staff in Santa's Workshop by wrapping presents, sorting incoming gifts, decorating, and so much more. Thank you Ferguson Buick GMC Superstore for sending us volunteers every morning and afternoon for nearly the entirety of Gifts of Hope. Thank you Johnson Rouse & Associates, PLLP (pictured first), who come into our giftshop on the last day every year, where they organize, sort, and deliver the final gifts.
We look forward to Gifts of Hope 2023. Until then, happy holidays to everyone and a big thank you from the youth clientele and staff here at YST!