We are proud to announce that YST's own Hanna Tacha has been announced the National Safe Place Network Coordinator of the Year. Hanna spent the last 3 years as the Safe Place Coordinator and recently moved into the Transitional Living Program. As the Safe Place Coordinator, she talked to 1000's of children about the availability of Safe Place during times of Crisis.
Last year Hannah conducted more than 95 community and school Safe Place presentations reaching 7,500 individuals. Even during COVID she has found ways to conduct outreach activities virturally through a virtual Safe Place Video.
"I am honored to be recognized for the award. It is indicative of the incredible teamwork that we offer at YST" Hanna said.
Pictured: Hanna Tacha (left), Transitions Coordinator
at YST, and Laurie Jackson (right), National Safe
Place President