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Help make a change in your community.

Join the YST family.

More than 17,000 young people will turn to YST this year for help, some at the most difficult times in their lives. YST offers a wide array of innovative & proven programs focused on counseling, runaway and homeless youth, delinquency prevention and youth development. Our programs are based on the needs & input of youth, their families, and our community, and are recognized as national models for quality and creativity.
Apply Now!

Youth Services of Tulsa, Inc. (YST) is an equal opportunity employer and will consider all applicants for all positions equally without regard to their race, sex, age, religion, national origin, veteran status or any disability which is not job-related.

This application will be given every consideration, but its receipt does not imply that the applicant will be employed.  Each question should be answered in a complete and accurate manner as no action can be taken on this application until all questions have been answered.   

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